Dental Implants

If you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious because you have missing teeth, your dentures don’t feel secure or you have difficulty chewing, dental implants can help you to smile, speak and eat with comfort and confidence.

What is a dental implant?

Natural teeth are anchored firmly in the bone by their roots. A dental implant is like an artificial metal root that is inserted into the bone. Over time, the bone actually fuses with the metal so the implant is held very securely in place. Dental work such as a crown, fixed bridge or a full set of dentures can then be attached to the implant.

Why should I consider a dental implant?

Dental implants offer many benefits compared with other alternatives for replacing lost or badly damaged teeth.

A natural effect
Dental implants look and feel just like your own teeth.

A permanent solution
With good care, implants can last a lifetime. The very few that fail do so because of problems with the bone or too much bite stress for too few implants.

Greater comfort
You’ll no longer have the discomfort that comes with removable dentures.

Improved speech
Dentures can sometimes slip within your mouth, causing you to mumble or slur your words. Dental implants are as secure as natural teeth.

More pleasurable eating
Dental implants function like your own teeth so you can enjoy all of your favourite foods to the full.

A boost for your self-esteem
With dental implants you’ll be able to smile, eat and talk with confidence.

Better oral health
A tooth-supported bridge requires the teeth on one or both sides of the missing tooth to be ground down, even if they are healthy. A dental implant does not affect any other teeth.

Reduced bone loss
Implants can reduce the bone loss which normally follows losing a tooth. If you have already experienced some bone loss, we may be able to grow and add more bone to create a better site for your implants.

What does the treatment involve?

Your treatment begins with an appointment with your surgeon to discuss what you would like to achieve, Your physical health, the length of time you have been missing a tooth, any medications you’re taking, the health and condition of the gum tissue and the bone beneath the gums, as well as the condition and position of your remaining teeth, will all be taken into consideration. A thorough examination and usually a cone beam scan will help you and your surgeon decide if implant therapy is an option.

At this stage your surgeon will also determine whether your treatment will need to incorporate advanced procedures such as bone grafting. Naturally, we’ll ensure that you have a clear understanding of the various treatment options and the time and costs each one involves.

During the diagnosis and treatment planning process your surgeon will normally take photographs and create casts of your upper and lower jaws. A three-dimensional x-ray scan with our in-house cone beam scanner allows us to plan and place your implants virtually for the best possible results and the highest degree of safety.

A simple and straightforward procedure

The implant is inserted under local anaesthetic and you will generally need to wait three months for the bone to bond with the implant. During this time, you’ll have a natural-looking temporary tooth. Sometimes, we then need to attach an extension and, in this case, we’ll leave the gum to heal for a further two weeks before fitting the permanent crown, bridge or denture to restore your full smile and ability to chew.

Ongoing care

Good oral hygiene is of paramount importance in maintaining your dental implants. The titanium can’t decay but you must be vigilant in guarding against gum disease or bone loss.

In most cases, once the bone has fused to the implant, the long term success of your implant will depend on how well you care for it. This isn’t difficult or complicated – in fact, you should care for your dental implants in the same way you do your natural teeth. That means focussing on the area around the gum line as you brush plaque away from the surface and using floss to remove plaque from between the teeth.

It’s also important to check the implant assembly regularly and contact us urgently if you notice any movement.

Talk to us about whether a dental implant is right for you

To find out whether you could enjoy the benefits of a dental implant, please contact us today to make an appointment for your first consultation and discussion.